Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I thought I went to School in Florida?!

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to blog today about the weather. I know it's seems kind of irrelavent to UT admissions, but I had to vent! What is going on with this cold weather?? I've been here for 3 1/2 years and it has never been this cold for this long! I'm used to going to the pool and walking on Bayshore around this time of year, not digging through my closet for my Northface jacket! Although I am disappointed in the temperture, I have found plenty of things to do that do not constitute being outside.

Around the Tampa Bay Area, there are a multitude of activites and events to attend when the weather is not in your favor. Downtown Tampa has recently revamped their look and create a beautiful park and museum right across from campus. The Tampa Museum of Art opened on February 5th and has had an overwhelming amount of support and interest from the residents of the city. There is also a Children's Museum set to open soon in the same area.

Speaking of cool museums, there are a few others that you might want to check out! The Henry B. Plant Museum is right on the UT campus in Plant Hall. The Museum features replicas of how Plant Hall used to be set up when it was a hotel owned by Henry B. Plant. A bit further away over by USF there is MOSI, Museum of Science and Industry. If you are familiar with Boston, MOSI reminded me alot of the Museum of Science up in Boston. It is a lot of fun to explore and exhibits change regularly. One museum that is also a bit further away, but worth checking out, is the Dali Museum in St. Pete. There are many of Dali's beautiful works all around the museum.

Well, I hope that the weather gets warmer soon so I can go to the beach, but in the meantime I will be looking for more cool things to do indoors! I will keep you all posted if I find anything extraordinary!

Happy Tuesday :)

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