Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ARRRR you ready for Gasparilla Weekend?!

Hi all!

So as you may know, this upcoming weekend in a big one for the Tampa Bay area. It's Gasparilla Weekend!! For those of you know who what this is, I'm sure a smile has just stretched across your face in the anticipation of partying like a pirate all day and all night on Saturday. For anyone who doesn't have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, let me give you a little background information about this infamous weekend celebration.

Gasparilla is a city-wide celebration that is meant to commemorate Jose Gaspar, a pirate from Spain who supposedly did business out of Tampa. Dating all the way back to 1904, Gasparilla has become a tradition for the city of Tampa and continues to grow each year. On average, there are about 350,000 people who come from all over to go to the Gasparilla parade. A huge parade of floats is brought down Bayshore Boulevard, a short walk from the UT campus and participants walk down the street waving and throwing beaded necklaces to spectators as they pass. With everyone at the parade decked out in pirate gear, Gasparilla is a fun day for participants and spectators alike.

Although Gasparilla sounds like a great time (which it is!), there are always some risks and precautions that should be taken when it comes to partying that day. Gasparilla is known to UT students as the Mardi Gras of Tampa. Students tend to wake up extra early to start the days festivities. Partying with friends on or around campus before venturing the 4 or 5 blocks down to Bayshore to watch the parade is a common game plan for most students. I can recall my sophomore year Gasparilla. I woke up at 8am to a phone call from my friend John playing the Pirates of the Carribean theme song as loud as his speakers would go. I quickly got out of bed, threw on some pirate gear, and headed to Brevard Hall where John and a bunch of my other friends lived. We all had a good time hanging out and getting ready for the day by playing music and having fun.

Me and my friend Antonio before Gasparilla in 2008

Here are a few tips on how to make your Gasparilla one to remember:
1. Stay with a group - with Tampa being bombarded with an influx of eager "pirates" this weekend, it is easy for students to get lost in the crowd. Staying with at least one friend is a vital part of having a good Gasparilla.
2. Don't drink too much - students always like to have fun and have some drinks before heading down to the parade. Not drinking to excess and staying in control is extremely important for this particular event. Police are out in the masses during the parade and are ready to take legal action against anyone who seems to be out of line. BE SMART!
3. Stay Hydrated - Gasparilla weekend tends to be on the hot side. Drinking a lot of water is a very good idea so that no one gets overheated or passes out from heat exhaustion
4. Have Fun! - Gasparilla is a great tradition in the area and everyone should go out and enjoy it (responsibly of course!)

I hope everyone goes out this weekend and has a fabulous time at the parade! Just make sure you are smart and safe!

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